PsychicAnnLucas - Crystal Reading and Dream Interpretation in West Valley City
Chat with PsychicAnnLucas - Crystal Reading and Dream Interpretation in West Valley City instantly. 15-20 years of experience in Dream Interpretation. Join me for answers regarding LOVE FAMILY MONEY CAREER ECT... Please read my profile and reviews & JOIN ME FOR A PRIVATE CHAT NOW!!! 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I will be available for a PRIVATE READING at anytime you are. _______________________MY FREE CHAT RULES ARE AS FOLLOWS_____________________ ONE GENERAL QUESTION ONLY, RECEIVE ONE ANSWER ONLY. MEMBERS WHO HAVE ALREADY HAD A FREE ANSWER and come back will be asked to join in a PRIVATE READING There will be NO MEMBER BASHING, NO RUDE COMMENTS & NO HARASSMENT OF ANYONE ALLOWED. Everyone is welcome to stay & chat with others in the room BUT ... If the RULES are not met. I have no choice but to kick/ban that member and if needed inform the managers of ORANUM.COM to ban your member name And have you removed completely from ORANUM.COM. These are the rules of MY FREE CHAT so, follow THE RULES and enjoy your stay :) ____________________________WHO IS PSYCHICANNLUCAS __________________________ I am a Clairvoyant - Clairsentience - Clairaudient - Empathic & Medium. At the young age of 7 started to sense, see & feel things which frightened me. After years of experiencing these gifts I figured it was time to let them take over since I could not control it and I have never looked back or regret my choice it is the greatest gift to be able to help others and give direction to those who are lost. With these 5 gifts I have helped many and now I am here to help you. I do not use Tarot Cards. Pendulums. Spells of any kind. or any tools at all just my natural born gifts. If you are looking for some concrete answers then look no more. I will read you like a open book and anyone or anything that you have on your mind. I am here to help get you to where you have been trying to reach. Anything can be achieved with understanding, direction & spiritual know how. So make a decision now to get on the right track to all that you want, need and care about . Please make no mistake. "WHAT I SEE IS WHAT YOU GET AND IF I DONT SEE IT YOU DONT GET IT SIMPLE AS THAT." Please read the section on what "MEMBERS SAID ABOUT ME" and find out for yourself first hand what I can do for you in a private chat reading. I am Always ready for a Private chat reading when in free chat all you have to do is ADD CREDITS TO YOUR ACCOUNT & CLICK REQUEST A PRIVATE CHAT READING Which is below my live webcam and I will be able to start focusing on you & the outcome of your future in PRIVATE. So, Now that we got that out of the way lets begin to understanding WHAT YOUR FUTURE HOLDS SHALL WE?? _________________________________________SPIRITUAL AWAKENING_________________________________________ There is knowledge and understanding in what LIFE has to offer if you are ready to be SPIRITUAL AWAKEN and to receive it . I will tell you & show you what is holding you back from achieving it . also be able to help you better understand your purpose and reason for why it is not taking place. There is nothing that can not be achieved without understanding first of the situation and how it should be taken since it belongs to ones self. If you are ready for a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Then let me SHARE THIS KNOWLEDGE WITH YOU IN PRIVATE . _____________________________________WHAT MEMBERS HAVE SAID ABOUT ME__________________________________ Ann was so real and to the point. I had been told different stories, untruths to get me to return to some of the "psychics" on Oranum, but Ann pegged it and went right in and pegged it. She's real! She's honest and She strong. I like that :-) She truly relates to me as a woman and what it is I needed at the time. Ann gave me sincere, good solid advice and I appreciate it. Her honesty gave rest to my anxiety and fears to be honest. She didnt need to add all the pump and circumstance many other use to cause u to question. I will take Ann's advice and boldly act on what she has given me. My own instinct tell me I'm in a good place with her and she has shared her wisdom with me. I will INDEED return to see follow up and consult with Ann on future issues for sure. If you haven't did a private with Ann? PLEASE do, but be ready for change and truth!...That's really what it's all about. Thanks Ann :-) (talk soon) peaceofmind3, Washington, DC AMAZING!!! i wasnt sure to do private chat but instantly upon entering she was able to pick right up on the situation and knew details that i didnt even type...THANK YOU lordvectra, Idaho OMG I have never had a reading like this before she is amazing in every way she gave me details like no other she told me things about past and told me about myself now and its was ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!! she is an angel and amazing in every way!!! I can't wait for her perdition's to come true I know they will she is a true true true true PSYCHIC on here really needs to have her own show thank you for being real xxoo meny blessings to you doll crystalblueeyes, seatlle wa I have just had my first reading with Ann. I asked if she could see a new love for me this year? She gave me the month of March, and the name Michael. As well as other information. This was quite reassuring as I have had a previous reading from another psychic who said that I would meet a man with the initial M, between January and July of this year. So I will update you on any development. Thank you for your time Ann :) Jodie , London, UK Ann is ma girrrrrrl!!! Knowing she has my back just makes it all so much easier to anticipate the things that are coming. And I have so much faith in what she says, I feel so blessed to have met her. I've talked to others on here but no one is as accurate as she. I don't talk to anyone BUT Ann need. She's the end all!!:)) Love you girl!!!! TTYS!!! xoxo bellacasey, NJ excellent - two of the topics she covered have proved to be true predictions. definitely worth the time and money. gale, los angeles Wow, excellent reader and said many things that verified her talent! I am very impressed with her abilities! aurasena, NJ she was great she doesn't ask questions, but knows everything and gives you dates, when things will happen for better. erika 5468474, deming nm Amazing!! great advice i loved it she knew so much without asking me! really worth the money! Thank you! i will deff be coming back!! jules777, new york Oh WOW - all I can say is WOW. She is truly gifted and taps right in. She knew everything about my situation and named it. Thank goodness for her gift! You should have a reading with her - she is amazing! FIVE STARS!!! ***** sacredlove71, Indianapolis Thank you so much. You're very accurate and picked up on everyone so accurately. CityGirlLuv, VA Incredible experience, she is amazing:))))))))))) I don't have any words to describe her abilities. She is a gift for humanity. Thank you:)))) milona, Canada OMG ANN LUCAS WHERE DO I START?? TRUELY AMAZZING YOU ARE!! YOU DONT NEED ANYTHING EXCEPT A NAME AND THATS IT?? YOU WERE RIGHT ON TARGET WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAID SO THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP IN PRIVATE ANN!! I WILL BE BACK AGAIN FOR SURE IN THE FUTURE OK/ LOVE KAREN KAREN, POPLAR Wow.....she's the real deal ! Already gave me one right prediction so I returned. florwer85, Florida i used to not understand the phrase "next best thing to talking to god." after talking to PsychicAnnLucas. now I do. Thank you for making yourself available and sharing your god-send gifts with people. Truly amazed. ghent2011, boston That is just some of what the memebers had to say about their readings with me. read more at the top of this artical under "MEMBERS SAID ABOUT ME" next to my schedule _______________________________MORE ABOUT ME________________________________ Hello & Welcome. I am PsychicAnnLucas. I have been a Psychic/Clairvoyant/Spiritulist for over 17yrs. I have worked with diplomats, law enforcement, & celebrities. and many others through out the world. I am a real psychic with incomparable accuracy who will tell you when they are... coming back, moving in, who by name & description are they cheating with, and what do they really feel for you. I believe we can have anything we want in this world, and with proper spiritual belief I can show you the paths and obsticals that stand in your way and tell you how to work around them to get what you want. I am a REAL psychic. I dont ask you questions, I dont look at d.o.b or tarot card All I need is your name. I do not give free readings so please " Dont Ask For One ". I will make a connection with you so you will know that I mean business. So be ready for a reading that will change your life . "And know your future today for a better tomorrow" . May your journey through life be blessed and full of light, life & love. Blessings to all Ann Lucas (PsychicAnnLucas)
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